We would like to share with you a great experience from our participation in the Festival of Architecture in Brno 24.4-27.4.2024.
Last week, together with our partner Tiny House Baraczek we presented our joint proposal for a new Tiny House model for modular housing for seniors: CUB.SYSTEMS / BARACZEK: Nestárni blbě.
CUBSY and Baraczek together presented the benefits of modular housing for seniors on the main stage of the architecture festival with great success.
“Construction exhibitions showed the future of the industry”
You could also see a prototype of a structure developed with our partner UNIKOV Steel Bzenec – the Solar Bike Shelter. FA 2024 visitors were actively interested in the possibility of creating other types of structures that can be built from separate CUBSY structural elements, such as stands, ramps, walkways, trolleys, podiums, stands and many more.
The presentation of the CUBSY app, which not only allows for the configuration and creation of structures in a realistic layout, but also provides comprehensive communication for the delivery of building elements, instructions, user support and many other features, attracted considerable attention.
We would like to thank all visitors and our partners. Our partners from Slovakia, the IMOBILIO civic association, who are the godparents of our modular building system, also came to support us.
At the festival, we strengthened relationships with our current partners and made other interesting connections in this sector.
Thank you again and we are looking forward to seeing you all next year.
#FestivalArchitektury2024 #CUBSY #ModulárníStavby #EkologickéStavění